Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15th Blog

1) Alliteration- An alliteration is a group of words that start with the same letter within a line of poetry. In Digging, Heaney uses the words "Of soggy peats, the curt cuts of an edge". In this line, "curt cuts" would be an alliteration.

2) End Rhyme- A couplet that rhymes at the end. "...holding up a moth" "...rigid satin cloth" these are end rhymes. Design- Frost

3) Simile- In Design by Frost, he compares the flower holding the spider, comparing it to a piece of "rigid satin cloth"

4) Itailian Sonnet- In Design, it is an Itailian Sonnet, because it is divided into an eight line stanza and a six line stanza.


  1. I got the alliteration in 'Digging' as well. Horray!

  2. I hadn't noticed that this was an Italian sonnet, nice observation.
