Monday, January 5, 2009

Welcome--please read

Hey welcome to the textual analysis course blog. We will use this blog as a sort of grand central station of the course (along with the course BB site). I will make you all "authors" on this space, so you can post to it, post comments, etc.

You will all create your own blogs for the reading blog element of the course. Your own blogs will be where you "publish" posts on the readings. Sometimes I will specify what to write about, and other times this will be up to you. All of your blogs will be linked to this one. I may "republish" some of your posts to this space to highlight interesting ones.

Obviously this is not your private journal entry type of writing. It's "out there" at least to each other. You can elect to not make your blog available to anyone outside of myself and the class. This blog will be open to the public for reading and commenting, but only we will have authorial rights to create posts.

The blog reading posts must be on your blogs before the class the reading is assigned for. Commenting can happen a bit more leisurely, but keep in mind that too long a lag time may result in unread comments. Feel free to embed videos and post images that you think relate to the texts. I ask that you not post images, messages, and videos that are not related to the course content.

I look forward to our discourse.

Dr R

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